2bind BufferToolbox
Find the right buffer for your protein, antibody, formulation, assay, or experiment in the endless sea of possible buffers. Quick and simple. Promised.
The 2bind BufferToolbox® provides simple and cost-efficient access to high-end formulation development for proteins and antibodies.
The products of the 2bind BufferToolbox® series have been developed based on over eight years of experience with protein and antibody bioanalytics and biophysics. It became clear that a quick and reliably way to the optimal storage buffer for an antibody or the optimal stability buffer for a protein does not have to cost thousands of dollars and take weeks in a full-blown formulation development. Instead, smartly choosing the right buffers and combining them with the right methods can answer most buffer and pre-formulation questions just as well.
The 2bind BufferToolbox® products each contain 96 unique or systematic buffers with different application areas. Enjoy the same convenience for biophysical/biochemical protein and antibody analysis as it is common practice for protein crystallization.
Unique buffer products
Systematic buffer products
Analysis Services
Let us do the work. Benefit from BufferToolbox® products and direct data analysis from the 2bind Experts in Biophysics. Just contact us.
FORMOscreen® Antibody Formulation Screen
Buffer screening made easy for your antibodies and proteins. The FORMOscreen® Antibody Formulation Screen provides 96 unique, pre-made, and ready-to-use buffers. All buffers were designed by antibody formulation experts and are already proven to be beneficial for stability and storage of therapeutic antibodies. Each buffer has also been approved by the FDA and/or EMA for use in antibody formulations.
Use the FORMOscreen® Antibody Formulation Screen for:
> buffer screening and optimization
> analysis of antibody folding, unfolding, and stability
> analysis of protein folding, unfolding, and stability
> pre-formulation development
> regulatory approval of colloidal stability, thermal stability, freeze-thaw resistance, chemical stability, or long-term and forced degradation behavior
> 96 unique and ready-to-use buffers from FDA- and EMA-approved therapeutic antibodies.
> Wide range of buffer substances, pH, salts, amino acids, sugars, and detergents.
> Use from purification all the way through final formulation development.
> 5x stocks, 1x ready-to-use solutions, 40 mL buffer stocks, and individual buffers available
Compatible methods:
> nanoDSF, DLS, HPLC, SEC, ELISA, and almost any other biochemical or bioanalytical method
KOMBOscreen® Systematic Antibody Buffer Screen
Want to take a systematic approach to finding the right buffer for your antibody? No problem. The KOMBOscreen® Systematic Antibody Buffer Screen provides 96 systematically compiled buffer compositions that cover the main conditions from the FORMOscreen® Antibody Formulation Screen.
The buffer composition and arrangement on the plate enable straight-forward DOE-methodology analysis of your antibody or protein of interest. Benefit from a systematic approach based on antibody formulations approved by the FDA and/or EMA.
Use the KOMBOscreen® Systematic Antibody Buffer Screen for:
> buffer screening and optimization
> analysis of antibody folding, unfolding, and stability
> analysis of protein folding, unfolding, and stability
> pre-formulation development
> regulatory approval of colloidal stability, thermal stability, freeze-thaw resistance, chemical stability, or long-term and forced degradation behavior
> 96 systematic combinations of the main buffer components from FDA- and EMA-approved therapeutic antibody formulations
> straight-forward DOE-methodology analysis
> Wide range of buffer substances, pH, salts, amino acids, sugars, and detergents.
> Use from purification all the way through final formulation development.
> 1x ready-to-use solutions and 40 mL buffer stocks available
Compatible methods:
> nanoDSF, DLS, HPLC, SEC, ELISA, and almost any other biochemical or bioanalytical method