Optimize Biologics: Solve Your Challenges for Formulation and Stability with 2bind’s DLS Services

Accelerate Your Biologics Research with Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) and 2bind’s industry-leading expertise.

2bind’s deep expertise in Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) will transform your biologics and therapeutics development workflows. The DLS technology rapidly measures the size and colloidal stability of proteins, biomolecules, and compounds. Our customized solutions for biologics development (proprietary buffer screens FORMOscreen® and KOMBOscreen®, Design-of-Experiment methodology, a.k.a DoE) and drug discovery (small molecule solubility and aggregation screening) paired with expert data interpretation, ensure high-quality data and actionable results. Choose 2bind for faster turnaround times, superior sensitivity, and unparalleled support at every step.

DynaPro III

  • > High-throughput, plate-based format
  • > Use for DoE-based formulation development
  • > Use for non-protein biomolecules
  • > Use for aggregation testing of proteins
  • > What you get: Clear representation of large development/DoE/analytics data sets with all important parameters plus a concise experiment or project summary.

Prometheus Panta

  • > Low to High-throughput
  • > On-line combination of DLS with nanoDSF
  • > Use for biologics and therapeutics development
  • > Use for DoE-based formulation development
  • > What you get: Clear representation of large development/DoE/analytics data sets with all important parameters plus a concise experiment or project summary
2bind is a certified service provider and "Center of Excellence” for NanoTemper Technologies instruments, specializing in nanoDSF and DLS technologies. Furthermore, 2bind is certified for DLS services by WYATT technologies. These partnerships ensure we remain at the forefront of cutting-edge biophysical analysis.


Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) is a powerful, non-destructive technique that illuminates the behavior of proteins, macromolecules, and nanoparticles in solution. DLS passes a laser beam through a sample and the biomolecules in the sample scatter the laser light. The resulting scattering pattern reveals essential insights into the molecules’ size, stability, homogeneity, and their tendency to aggregate.

2bind leverages cutting-edge instruments like the Prometheus Panta and the Wyatt DynaPro Plate Reader III for highly precise DLS analysis. These tools offer remarkable sensitivity, enabling us to analyze challenging samples at low concentrations. Our experienced scientists translate the raw scattering data into knowledge about your biologic's behavior in different formulations, storage conditions, and temperatures.

Colloidal stability


Hydrodynamic radius; the (average) size of the particles in solution


Polydispersity index; distribution of particle size populations


Temperature at which average particle size begins to increase; from change of rH in cumulants fit)


Temperature at which particles begin to form scattering aggregates, from change of scattering intensity

Biologics development


Diffusion-interaction parameter; shows whether molecular interactions are repulsive or attractive


Theoretical diffusion constant at concentration = 0; determined from the kD analysis


Particle interaction parameter; measure of the total protein-protein interactions in a solution

Small molecule analysis

HMS content

Content of higher-molecular-weight species in small molecule solutions; used to derive aqueous solubility

Use cases and 2bind services

DLS is vital throughout the biologics, therapeutic, and drug discovery development pipeline. Here’s how it delivers a competitive advantage.
2bind’s DLS services quickly identify promising therapeutic candidates and optimize formulation conditions for increased stability. They also assess the integrity and purity of your biologics during production and storage to avoid costly setbacks. 2bind’s in-house DLS expertise ensures reliable results with rapid turnaround times, allowing quick, informed decisions to streamline your project’s progress.

Small Molecule Drug Discovery Services

Tools and services for everything from assay development and high-throughput library screening, over hit validation and characterization, to MedChem and lead generation support.

Covalent Drug Discovery Services

Specialized binding assays, screening assays, and services for identification, characterization, and optimization of covalent drugs.

PROTACs and Molecular Glues Services

Specialized binding, screening, and other assays and services for identification, characterization, and optimization of molecular glues and PROTAC drugs.

RNA-targeted Drug Discovery Services

Assays and services for everything from assay development and high-throughput library screening, over hit validation and characterization, to MedChem and lead generation support specifically tailored for RNA targets.

Antibody Developability and Pre-Formulation Services

Suite of assays, tools, products, and services for optimizing developability and pre-formulation of antibodies for more successful IND, DSP, and stress resilience.

Characterization of Antibodies and Bispecifics

Specialized assays and services for all kinds of bi- or multi-specific antibodies providing accurate binding dynamics and specificities.

Biologics and Vaccines Services

Suite of assays, tools, products, and services for formulating biologics or protein vaccines. More successful preparation of GMP manufacturing, DSP, or testing stress conditions.

Which biomolecules work well with DLS?


Technology and FAQs

Our sample preparation protocol carefully prevents any dust or particle contamination prior to measurement. In general, DLS is not limited by buffers or additives. However, it must be noted that every particle in the sample will scatter light. Thus, complex solutions might give background scattering signals that prevents successful DLS analysis.

DLS, Dynamic Light Scattering, Panta
Measurement of DLS requires absolutely precise detection of scattered light. The Prometheus Panta DLS instrument measures DLS in biosamples inside small glass capillaries, with only 10 µL of sample in each capillary. Up to 48 capillaries can be measured in parallel. A special feature of the Prometheus Panta DLS instrument is its online-coupling to a nanoDSF optic, which allows for a parallel DLS and nanoDSF readout from the identical sample. The Wyatt DynaPro III DLS instrument works in a plate-based format (up to 1536-well plates) and utilizes a laser/detector setup that records DLS through the well bottoms.

DLS is a versatile technique that can be applied to all kinds of biological particles. Proteins are usually the main target for DLS analysis. Another major class of DLS experiments is development of solution characteristics, for example for biologics formulation development or cosmetics. Due to the fast analysis pace and high throughput, DLS is well suited for screening of buffers, buffer additives, or small molecule influence on protein stability and protein unfolding.

Normaly not. But our Prometheus Panta instrument series combines the ultra-high resolution of DLS with state-of-the art nanoDSF (nano-scale differential scanning fluorimetry) for simultaneous measurement of DLS and protein unfolding. It even allows for detection of multiple domain unfolding and aggregation events. Even changes in the DLS properties of individual protein domains during unfolding can be monitored, using the DLS regularization fit during thermal melting of a protein. Protein unfolding can be measured with the Wyatt DynaPro III using a technique called temperature ramping. The instrument measures the hydrodynamic radius of the protein at different temperatures, and the resulting data is used to generate a thermal denaturation curve. The unfolding temperature (Tm) can be calculated from this curve, providing insight into the protein’s stability and behavior under different conditions. This information is critical for the development of biopharmaceuticals and other protein-based products.

Yes, it is possible to observe the effect of ligand binding on the hydrodynamic radius by monitoring the cumulant radius of the target in the presence of increasing concentrations of the ligand.

Yes, it is possible to measure protein-protein interactions with DLS. For this, a continuous variation experiment can be performed, in which the concentrations of the two interaction partners are simultaneously and continuously varied and the mean particle size is determined. Upon binding, the largest particle size will be observed. Note that for this experiment to work, the differences in hydrodynamic radius of the single proteins must not exceed two-fold (or the molecular weight difference must not exceed 5-fold).

Our sample preparation protocol carefully prevents any dust or particle contamination prior to measurement. In general, DLS is not limited by buffers or additives. However, it must be noted that every particle in the sample will scatter light. Thus, complex solutions might give background scattering signals that prevents successful DLS analysis.

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